Fulcrum users can now upload a profile picture that will show everywhere in Fulcrum. This feature will be particularly helpful in job tracking where we previously only showed user initials which could become confusing if multiple users had the same initials. Now users can add a unique image and help identify their own information faster.
You can now download data from the vendor grid to get a helpful list of all of your vendors used in Fuclrum.
When creating POs for outside processing vendors, you can now “select all” for line items for the same operations that you use that vendor for. This will allow you to save some time when issuing these types of purchase orders.
Purchase Orders can now have multiple jobs associated. Additional jobs can be added to the PO from the details The purchase order grid, jobs page, and receiving grid have all been updated to show a list of related jobs.
This new feature is for customers who have multiple companies set up in Fulcrum. Now you’ll be able to configure your PDF and email templates for each company.
Now you can enable a default margin setting for newly created items. This can be configured in Business Setup > System Data > Sales where you can enable the feature and set your default margin. The margin set here will also apply to price breaks on the item.
More downloadable data! You can now download data from the Items grid as well as download the scrap report.
Our public API is live and available on our website. This is something that we’ve had requested a lot! You can access the API docs here.
You can now view purchase orders and items by the vendor that they are related to. Two new tabs have been added to the Vendor page.
You can now view purchase orders and items by the vendor that they are related to. Two new tabs have been added to the Vendor page to make it easier to see a record of all POs issued to a vendor, as well as the items associated with that vendor.
We’ve added two new tabs to the job cost reporting download for operations and materials. Additionally building on a recently released feature, there’s now a download button on the costs tab from an individual job’s page. These new tabs will only be available on jobs created since December.
Operators can now scrap raw material from Job Tracking. There is now a dropdown to select whether the scrap is related to the raw material on the job or the item being made. Data entered here will pull through on the Job’s page and the material cost will use the unit value that is calculated when it is picked.
Another highly requested feature! Our Stock Take feature will now allow you to edit inventory values on upload. There are new columns on the template to accommodate this, and can be adjusted for a particular lot or location of material.
Operations will now be scheduled up until the point of scheduled downtime, to continue once the downtime period has ended. Previously, an operation would be scheduled to start after the downtime period was over.
Our integration with Acumatica can now support custom invoice and PO numbers!
You can now add a new vendor when creating a purchase order! This will help you work more efficiently in adding new vendors when you need them.