Critical production data calculated instantly

Stay on track with a priority dashboard

There are a lot of moving pieces that go into production needs. With Demand Planning, you stay up to date with any changes to order quantities, dates, or priority levels - so you’re always looking at current data to be confident on what you need to make, when, and why.
Demand Planning gives you updated information about what products you need to make, and when. This production data flows constantly to Purchasing Planning, meaning that purchasers are immediately updated about any changes to material needs. Live updates here means fewer trips down the hall.
Use the Timing Issue KPI to filter for trouble areas, where an item isn’t expected to be ready on time for something that depends on it. Use High Priority to see items that are needed for high priority jobs or orders.
Set an item to always make it to stock, or create one-off jobs directly from sales orders. Or do both. You have flexibility when controlling your production, and Demand Planning captures it all. Jobs and inventory related to anything you can make roll up here.