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Job Tracking Complete Tab

Job Tracking is the source of much of the data fueling Fulcrum, so it's important to make sure data's accurate before closing out an operation. The new Job Tracking Complete Tab makes it easier to know if your important data was input at a glance. Quickly check if all needed materials were picked, all scrap was recorded properly and that labor timers are recorded as expected. This new complete tab for Job Tracking will release July 2.

Job Tracking Complete Tab

Edit Clock-Ins and Breaks from the Job Tracker

Operators will now be able to view, create, and update clock-in timers and break timers from the Job Tracker, allowing them to easily update and correct their recorded times. This functionality is available on the All Timers tab where operators can currently edit their operation timers.

You can control access to this functionality via permission setup.

Edit Clock-Ins and Breaks from the Job Tracker

More Accurate Scheduling for Outside Processing

We’ve improved the scheduler’s handling of outside processing to create a more accurate schedule. Previously, the scheduler would strictly use the lead days for an outside processing step set up on the routing to estimate when the outside processing step would complete. Now, if an expected receive date was set on the purchase order, the scheduler will treat that date as the expected date of completion for the outside processing operation.

More Accurate Scheduling for Outside Processing

Public API Improvements: System Data and Jobs

The Public API expansion continues. We’ve added new points to get and list equipment, department, and work center data, have added more scheduling details to jobs, and have made it easier to find all of the operations for a particular job. Details will be available on our public api change log.

Public API Improvements: System Data and Jobs

Audit Logs for Purchase Orders, Invoices, and System Setup

To enhance your ability to understand the changes happening with your shop, we’ve added audit logs for Purchase Orders, Invoices, and parts of System Setup. To access this log, click on the last modified date under the page header.

Audit Logs for Purchase Orders, Invoices, and System Setup

Add Thumbnails Image to the Item Label

With this release, you’ll now have the ability to add thumbnails to the item labels used in Fulcrum.

To use this feature, simply select “Show Thumbnail” in your Item Label setup.

Add Thumbnails Image to the Item Label

Upload Improvements - Customers, Vendors, Items, and Tags

We’ve made lots of changes to uploads to make it easier to set up and maintain Fulcrum. You’ll now be able to make bulk updates to items, vendors, and customers by exporting data from the Data Import, making changes in that spreadsheet, and then re-uploading.

You’ll also be able to use the item uploader to set item tags and create them automatically in the system. Simply add the required tags as a semicolon-separated list and the upload will handle the rest.

Upload Improvements - Customers, Vendors, Items, and Tags

More Variables for your Email Templates

The email templates used in Fulcrum are now more flexible. We’ve added additional variables for quotes, sales orders, invoices, and purchase orders that will allow you to capture the subtotal, total, tax, currency code, and payment terms. For quotes, you can also add the expiration date and for purchase orders the vendor number.

More Variables for your Email Templates

Custom Field Improvements for Jobs

We’re improving the flow of custom fields for jobs. Custom fields will now appear on Job Travelers and now when you create a job outside of Sales Order, we’ll carry over any applicable custom fields from the items.

Custom Field Improvements for Jobs

Internal Notes on Quotes Carry to Sales Orders

Internal Notes that were added to a Quote will now carry over to the Sales Order. These notes will be read-only. This makes it easier to continue the conversation without needing to navigate back to the Quote.

Internal Notes on Quotes Carry to Sales Orders

QuickBooks Desktop Integrations - Receipt Reconciliation

We've completely redone QuickBooks Desktop receipts. Instead of processing each receipt independently, the integration will holistically reconcile all receipts. What this means is that receipts that span multiple lines items, partial receipts, partial reverts, manual "corrections" in QBD, and any scenario in between will be re-aligned to ensure that QBD matches Fulcrum to the "T". No more workarounds needed.

QuickBooks Desktop Integrations - Receipt Reconciliation

Job Name Template Enhancement

“Item description” has been added as a variable option for the Job Name Template for anyone who has the Auto-Generate Job Name feature enabled. 

Note: Fulcrum does not limit the number of characters in your Job Name Template but we advise using shorter names because the design does not adjust to the name length.

Job Name Template Enhancement

Review and Update Timers from the Profile View in Job Tracking

We've made it easier for operators to review and update their timers to help you keep your job tracking data accurate. An important part of having accurate job costing is to have accurate labor, machine, and setup time clocked against your job. We are adding a new timers tab to the Job Tracking profile view so that it is easier for operators to see all of their timers and make edits as needed.

The new timers view defaults to showing you any operations whose timers you have touched today. You can also filter this view to further narrow in on timers that you want to check or update.

Review and Update Timers from the Profile View in Job Tracking

Stock Take Enhancements

We are introducing several enhancements to the stock take process to improve accuracy and efficiency. Key updates include the addition of age details to the stock take download, which are now presented as a read-only and sortable column. In terms of error reporting enhancements, once the stock take is complete, users can download an Excel sheet that details any encountered errors. This sheet has been improved to provide more accurate and actionable information, aiding users in resolving issues more effectively.

We have also addressed multiple bugs that affected the correct mapping of rows in the stock take upload to the appropriate item, lot, and locations, ensuring a smoother and more reliable outcome. Additionally, we have introduced a new non-interactive mode as the default setting for running stock takes, which allows updates to proceed autonomously without user intervention, significantly streamlining the process.

Stock Take Enhancements

Improvements to Sales Order Permissions

Sales Order permissions have received some tweaks and upgrades so as to provide more granular control over user behavior. The Sales Order "Send to Production" permission was previously not functioning correctly but has been patched in a bug fix, and a new Sales Order "Mark Sales Order as 'Completed'" permission has been added to the system. Existing system functionality will continue undisrupted, as any user Role/Permission group with “Edit Sales Order” access will automatically inherit the new complete Sales Order permission, but the added flexibility of adding/removing this permission will allow users more control of their day-to-day operations going forward.

Improvements to Sales Order Permissions