The main goal here is to help receiving answer the question “what do I do with this material?” when it shows up at the dock. Warehouse and receiving teams often bring material to specific staging locations, apply labels that include the relevant job number(s), or kit items. With that in mind, there will be a new section on purchase order part line items called “Associated Jobs”.
Clicking the plus button will bring up a list of jobs that require that item, including the job status, job demand, and quantity picked.
Selecting one or more jobs adds them to that section for visibility, and also makes the association visible in receiving so that warehouse teams can properly distribute material. Additionally, it will add the association on the PO itself. This way, the job association will show in the PO grid, receiving grid, and on the job itself.
There will also be a new variable for receiving labels called {{ lineJobs }}. This will, you guessed it, put the job names associated to that line item on the receiving label.
Note: the primary goal of this release is visibility. This does not currently do any specific reserving of material, especially since requirements and priorities are often changing.