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November 21, 2023

New Job Tracking Dashboard

Job Tracking

Introducing the new Job Tracking dashboard, redesigned to increase clarity and ease of use. This update features a new navigation tab bar for clear separation of operations by status, and a feature where recently viewed operations and searches appear when you click on the search bar. The enhanced omnisearch now filters operations by department, operation, and equipment.

The new operation card includes the ability to start/stop timers for jobs, removes the progress bar in favor of a total operation time timer, adds information about the previous operation and its status, and includes an 'Open NCR' tag. Users can set a default department, streamlining the process for operators who typically don't switch departments during their day. On mobile, a profile view has been added for functions like pausing timers, editing, viewing in-progress operations, department selection, and logout.

We've simplified the interface by removing filters and preset filters, reducing clutter and confusion from the previous implementation. The operation card has also been streamlined to add focus to what’s important. These improvements are designed to make Job Tracking more intuitive and efficient for everyone.