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The future of manufacturing

Series A / June 30, 2021
An $18.8m booster pack to help us accelerate manufacturing into the future.

A history of innovation in manufacturing

from the 2nd to the 4th industrial revolution

Bessemer Venture Partners can trace its roots to the Second Industrial Revolution, when the Bessemer Process made steel both accessible and durable for the first time. Cheap steel fueled the growth of the railroads, which transformed the United States economically and socially as goods and people could move across the country for the first time.

The firm could have been named for Andrew Carnegie or Henry Phipps Jr., the cofounders of Carnegie Steel and source of the initial capital for the first fund. Instead, the firm focused on the underlying technology that made Carnegie Steel’s explosive growth possible, an understanding that would drive Bessemer’s investment strategy throughout its history.

Today, BVP invests in companies like ours that work under the surface to fuel economic growth by connecting people to the goods and services they need. Their vision of an efficient, resilient supply chain led by a network of producers aligns with ours and makes them an ideal partner.

investor logo vector - bessemer

Alice Deng & Connor Watumull

Connor and Alice have been consistently impressive since they first reached out with the best cold outbound email we’ve ever received. Their deep knowledge of the SaaS space, particularly the current ERP landscape, reveals an incredible amount of research and a sincere desire to help us maximize our strengths, understand our risks, and position Fulcrum effectively to maximize our impact on the future of manufacturing.

investor logo vector - bessemer

Brian Feinstein


Building a legacy in SaaS

Simply put, Brian Feinstein is a rockstar. Five software-as-a-service companies in his VC portfolio have successfully exited since 2008, and he’s the author of BVP’s vertical SaaS investment thesis, so he pretty clearly knows which way the wind is blowing.

Before ever seeing a pitch deck, Brian and his team laid out ideas for what Fulcrum and Bessemer could do together; it was almost eerie how closely it matched our internal goals and plans. Having someone with Brian’s level of expertise and success in our space share such a similar vision is incredibly rare and we’re thrilled to have him lead this round!


Craig “Tooey” Courtemanche


None of the enterprise SaaS playbooks that guide top-class startups today existed when Tooey Courtemanche founded Procore. He wrote them. He not only grew Procore from its founding to the $12 billion company it is today, he created an entire field of industry-focused SaaS in the process.

For the work he did to create the path we’re on alone, we would be indebted to him. Having him invested in the work we are doing and the way we are doing it is validating and inspiring.


Vahe Kuzoyan
Ara Mahdessian


Like manufacturing, the home and commercial services industry is composed predominantly of small- and medium-sized businesses that were being largely left out of the advancements in connectivity and software. Vahe Kuzoyan and Ara Madessian took their families’ frustrations and created a company to solve their most common problems. Today, ServiceTitan is the #9 company on the Forbes Cloud 100.

Their deep understanding of the people we are focused on serving and their unrivaled success building a company dedicated to serving them makes them phenomenal additions to Fulcrum.

Vertical SaaS

Outrageous success investing in  Category Redefiners
$9.5 Billion
$1 Billion
$12.5 Billion
$1.9 Billion
$182.9 Billion
$2.7 Billion
$2 Billion
$16.5 Billion

Product lead growth

Our favorite products are Bessemer companies
$6.5 Billion
$61.3 Billion
$54 billion
$3 Billion
$3 Billion
$5 Billion
Series A

David Wieland

Board Member
Board Observer

Motivate is an accurate title for this group, led by Dave Wieland, as they have been a great source of encouragement and positivity. In addition to numerous introductions, they provided timely advice and acted as a key reference for the company.

  • emoji Introduction to Buffalo, NY manufacturer
  • emoji Hunting down venture debt options aggressively
  • emoji Continued support and strategic discussions
  • emoji Helpful references to prospects
  • emoji Customer introductions
  • emoji introductions to Series A investors
  • emoji introductions to candidates

No items found.

Yishan Wong

Board Member
Board Observer

Yishan Wong was the CEO of Reddit, co-founder of Sunfire Offices, founder of Terraformation, an early engineer at PayPal, an early engineer at Facebook and an advisor at Quora.

  • emoji Agreed to be Fulcrum board member
  • emoji Very helpful tactical advice
  • emoji Insights on Silicon Valley VC firms
  • emoji Surgical advice about engineering organizational structure
  • emoji Barrels vs. Ammunitions concept
  • emoji Advice on large enterprise customer
  • emoji Introductions to cool people
  • emoji All around badass
Series A

Michael Hoeksma
Michael Brown

Board Member
Board Observer

Battery was eager to help us find the right people at the right time. Their network of connections has been a great resource for us.

  • emoji Introduction to Vndly founder and CTO
  • emoji Introduction to SigmaTek and Upkeep CEOs
  • emoji Introduction to Gartner and a PR introduction
  • emoji HR/marketing help
  • emoji Referrals
  • emoji Help with PR and Marketing positioning
  • emoji Free stuff from other battery portoflio companies
  • emoji Direct and insightful advice on partner platforms and SDR hires
Series A

Julian Counihan

Board Member
Board Observer

Julian Counihan and the team at Schematic were a tremendous source of referrals, from potential customers to other portfolio founders willing to share their experiences. They have been willing sounding boards and given really helpful feedback over the last year.

  • emoji Connection to stealth startup
  • emoji Introduction to Duro Labs
  • emoji Introduction to two portfolio founders
  • emoji Series A help
  • emoji Series A introductions
  • emoji Cohort analysis help
  • emoji Introduction to Deb Berman who made materially large impact on our go-to-market maturity
  • emoji Advice on timing for Series A
Series A

Stephanie Rich

Brett Brohl

Mary Grove

Board Member
Board Observer

Bread and Butter has flexed both its strong local ties as well as its national connections.

  • emoji Portfolio mixer for community building
  • emoji Stephanie working with Nick on local press feature
  • emoji Help with nominating and getting Sunny selected for Mpls/Saint Paul Business Journal’s 40 Under 40 List
  • emoji Set up a great call with Google Ventures regarding Series A metrics
  • emoji Noah Buntman introduction
  • emoji Candidate introductions
  • emoji Shernaz Daver talk
  • emoji Advice on investors
  • emoji Introduction to Series A investors
  • emoji Introduction to other founders
Series A

Natty Zola

Ryan Broshar

Board Member
Board Observer

Ryan and Natty's knowledge of the startup space here in Minneapolis has been a great asset, especially as we continue to look for more local talent and media contacts. They have made key PR introductions and nominated Sunny for awards, several of which turned into follow-on media coverage.

  • emoji PR connections locally here in MN
  • emoji Introduction yields further conversations with Inspectorio
  • emoji Introduction to Allison Kaplan
  • emoji Nominating Sunny to Twin Cities Business’ Tech 20 List
  • emoji Press introduction and 33Vincent referral
  • emoji Introductions to other founders

Ajay Agarwal

Kevin Zhang

Board Member
Board Observer

In addition to helpful feedback from Ajay and Kevin, Bain provided access to incredibly helpful experts and roundtables that set into clear relief some of the choices we needed to make, particularly around early sales and marketing.

  • emoji Deep dive conversation with Kevin
  • emoji Bain Capital’s CRO roundtable provided excellent insights into marketing
  • emoji Introduction to Reprise founder
  • emoji Conversations about PR and marketing
Series A

Mike Edelhart

Board Member
Board Observer

Mike’s influence in the tech industry is undeniable. From his time as executive editor of PC Magazine, executive vice president at Ziff Davis, and content director for several Softbank conferences to his investments as a venture capitalist, he has raised the profile of numerous ideas and companies that would go on to fundamentally change the technology landscape.

  • emoji Regular office hours and chats
  • emoji Introduction to eCommerce manufacturing customer in portfolio

Matt Blomstedt

Board Member
Board Observer

Matt and SpringTime Ventures have been trusted partners from Seed to Series A, always lending support and advice. Whether its been referring their best people, or acting as our therapist and cheerleader, they have been there every step of the way.

  • emoji Introduction to Series A investors
  • emoji Introduction to Kelan Anzures (new Chief of Staff!)
  • emoji Tactical advice and context on Series A investors
  • emoji Frequent therapeutic and cheerleading conversations

Caroline Yeager

Gale Wilkinson

Board Member
Board Observer

Utilizing their joint resources, IrishAngels and VitalizeVC have been helpful in numerous ways including making an introduction to an Illinois-based potential customer.

  • emoji Introduction to Illinois manufacturer
  • emoji Backchanneling references for hires
  • emoji Two potential hire introductions
Series A

Phil Soran

Board Member
Board Observer

Phil Soran is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in Minnesota history, having founded and successfully exited multiple companies, while leading numerous others as a highly sought-after director. He has been named entrepreneur of the year multiple times and was the inaugural inductee to the Titans of Technology Hall of Fame in 2014.

  • emoji The most helpful advice on who to select for Seed and for Series A
  • emoji Local introductions to investors
  • emoji Introductions to talent
  • emoji Introduction to Tom Kieffer
  • emoji Philisophical conversations about board meetings, investors, and IPO
  • emoji Advice on how to hire and interview VP of Sales
  • emoji All around emotional support
Series A

Darren Cotter

Board Member
Board Observer

A champion and integral part of the Minnesota startup scene, Darren became an angel investor after selling InboxDollars to Prodege in 2019. His investments are predominantly in the seed-stage enterprise SaaS, consumer internet, and marketplace spaces and include companies like Cameo, Inspectorio, and Upsie in addition to Fulcrum.

  • emoji MN Cup help and mentorship
  • emoji Connection with MESA
  • emoji Introduction to tech and other talent here locally
  • emoji Advice on sales and marketing investment
Series A

John Siami

Board Member
Board Observer

Generous with his time and his shop even before becoming an investor, Jon Siami has joined Fulcrum to help move the entire field of manufacturing forward. His commitment to finding and evangelizing the highest quality tools led him to Fulcrum, and we’re eager to learn from him how Fulcrum can be the centerpiece of a truly world-class manufacturing tech stack.

Sunny Han
Sunny Han
Robert Vanderhoef
Robert Vanderhoef
Jessica Chimerakis
Jessica Chimerakis
Jon Gregorowicz
Jon Gregorowicz
Ashley Schwartz
Ashley Schwartz
Alex Troesch
Alex Troesch
Tyler Buxton
Tyler Buxton
Ryan Herbert
Ryan Herbert
Annika Cederblad
Annika Cederblad
Ryan Bakken
Ryan Bakken
Sasa Stojkovic
Sasa Stojkovic
Dylan Kocken
Dylan Kocken
Pete Franco
Pete Franco
Paul McGuirk
Paul McGuirk
Liam McCartney
Liam McCartney
Kelsey Stimson
Kelsey Stimson
Hannah Jansen
Hannah Jansen
Katherine Gorey
Katherine Gorey
TJ Moore
TJ Moore
Anna Erickson
Anna Erickson
Carter Roskam
Carter Roskam
Betzi Nimeth
Betzi Nimeth
Carolyn Ring
Carolyn Ring
James Santiago
James Santiago
Josiah Bondy
Josiah Bondy
Travis Higgs
Travis Higgs
Clayton Phillips
Clay has only been here a short amount of time, in that time he has shown that he is eager to learn and brings a competitive edge to the team. Hes both hard working and great to be around. I look forward to seeing Clay grow in his career and all that he accomplishes here.
Clay came to Fulcrum excited to learn and get to work. From day one he came in with a contagious energy and willingness to work. Even in the few weeks he has been here he has shown the skillset and desire to be good at his role, by asking great questions, open to feedback and his excitement to start hitting the ground and outbound prospects. The whole team is excited to see what Clay will accomplish here at Fulcrum
Kendall Buck
Kendall joined the team excited and ready to learn, shes thoughtful, confident, and not afraid to jump in and learn on the job. I'm excited to watch her grow and become a leader on the SDR team.
Adele Wilson
Kendall has been a great additon to the team. She is eager to learn and not afraid to learn on the job. Her confidence and desire to learn are great traits for the sdr role. It will be exciting to see her growth and success as a sdr.
Halla Elkhwad
Halla has become an invaluable member of our team in a short amount of time. She has established herself as a shining example of hard work, ingenuity, and positivity. She is incredibly talented in so many areas, but what I am consistently impressed by is how she is unwavering in the face of a new, uncertain challenge and never hesitates to jump in.
From the first meeting with Halla, it was evident she possessed a level of confidence. It has been impressive to see her take on tasks and grow her knowledge in such a short period of time. Her ability to jump in and help the team has been a tremendous help.
Dan Morrissey
Maddie Winchester
Customer Success
Maddie jumped in to Fulcrum at a difficult time and took every challenge head on. She learned the product in record time and has been adding value to our customer experience since day one. As a teammate, Maddie is always jumping in to help and I know she cares deeply about the quality of her work. She is an invaluable member of the Fulcrum team and I'm lucky to work along side her.
Quinn Anderson
I have been so impressed with how quickly Maddie has learned the product and our customers! When thinking of solutions for customers, she really takes the time to understand the problem and is thoughtful, creative and pragmatic in her approach. On top of that, she makes it look so natural!
Emily Lupico
Emily Lupico
I have been so impressed with Pico’s attention to detail from the start. She deeply cares about our customers and listens first to understand the opportunity before jumping in to solve a problem. She’s also brings a really positive energy to any situation.
Pico has a great ability to learn quickly, ascertain what's important, and take the right action to make a big positive impact! Her enthusiasm for helping our customers get the most from Fulcrum is contagious.
Jessica Chimerakis
David Pinner
In a very short period of time, David has proven himself to be a leader at Fulcrum. He is knowlegeable about the very inner workings of the product, and will drop what he's working on to dig into the code and explain something to anyone who asks.
Kelsey Stimson
David is always ready to dive into a problem. He challenges his teams to build the best product possible and does not shy away from overhauling the status quo in service of a better solution.
Halla Elkhwad
Malfy Das
Malfy is the type of person you want to spend all day on zoom with. Very easy going and adapts to any task with very little given context. Takes time to understand the problem in it's entirety, not just the view of the surface.
Josh Kraker
Simply put, Malfy is just the best. He brings a calm confidence to challenging problems and remains open minded to solutions as details emerge. He’s totally authentic and truly cares about the customers and the people he works with.
Emily Lupico
Dan Morrissey
Customer Success
Dan has leapt head first into his role in Customer Success with motivation to always do better, and great empathy for everything our customers experience. He is incredibly organized, thoughtful in everything he does, and has become someone I admire greatly at Fulcrum!
Kelsey Stimson
I was very impressed with how quickly Dan jumped in and wasnt afraid to get his hands dirty. He displays a huge amount of customer leadership even in the most intimidating of situations. He is one of my go-to's for questions on how to handle certain situations.
Joe Lewis
Shay Ames
Shay came into Fulcrum with an incredible depth of sales experience, but also an incredible openness to learning and retraining of many ingrained sales habits. Through the challenges of learning an entirely new industry, a complex product, and a totally new sales process he's remained consistently positive, open to feedback, and has shown amazing progress in his ability to really connect with manufacturers
Shay and I both began working at Fulcrum on the same day, and it was immediately apparent that he would be a valuable addition to the team. It's been truly impressive to witness the speed with which he has made a positive impact. His expertise and eagerness to learn are truly admirable. Working with him is a pleasure, and it's always fun to chat with him.
Dan Morrissey
Adele Wilson
Adele is constantly seeking for ways to improve. She's intelligent, consistent in her hard work and calculated. She's fun to be around and has been a huge piece in keeping the SDR team afloat.
Adele cares about our prospects and customers, she is highly self-critical of herself because she cares so much. She never stops trying to improve how to connect and serve our customers and their shops. She goes out of her way to do as much as she can for her prospects and fellow SDRs.
Gregg Leggott
Brady Kovarik
Brady has been an absolute gem of a launch teammate. He thoroughly cares about making the right workflows for all of his customers and will seek answers when he doesn't know the path forward. This level of curiosity is something I admire about Brady and something I strive to do myself. He represents our team well.
Richard Bero
I'm so impressed with Brady. He has such an effortless maturity and naturally calming demeanor. He's constantly faced with difficult and stressful challenges, but you would never know it. Hearing him talk to customers gives me peace of mind that we're represented well and that they're being taken care of in a really respectful and genuine way.
Anna Erickson
Joe Lewis
When things are good or high stress, there's no better person to have in your corner than Joe. Exudes calm vibes and drops knowledge in any situation.
Josh Kraker
Joe -- the voice of Fulcrum. Joe is always seeking to better understand our product, how to provide the best solutions for our customers and improve documentation to make projects easier. He's personable, accountable and has a deep care for the customers he works with as well as helping teammates out when questions arise. I've brought him onto multiple calls with prospects, and I always come away impressed and learning more effective ways to communicate. His energy, wit and curiosity are invaluable to this company.
Charlie Gondeck
Richard Bero
ChardiB is the customer relationship KING. It's admirable how easily his launches turn into partnerships, with a side of friendship. As the face of many launch pad videos, it's obvious how committed Richard is to continuing team & customer success. Always look forward to getting to work together!
Betzi Nimeth
Richard is someone I admire and strive to be more like. The charisma, knowledge he brings to a fulcrum launch creates competent customers that have a great relationship with Fulcrum.
Joe Lewis
Gregg Leggott
Gregg is a fulcrum staple, always ready to help out wherever he can and setting an example for work ethic and commitment to the job. We can always count on 5G to hold the team accountable and talk some baseball here and there.
Adele Wilson
Gregg and I started around the same time at Fulcrum and it was abundantly clear from the start that he was bursting with charisma. He has the impressive trait of having a conversation with you and making you feel welcome and like you have been friends for years. I know he works hard in his role at Fulcrum and is a great example for the rest of the SDR ream.
Richard Bero
Valerie Huang
Valerie always goes the extra mile. She is the ultimate wish-list engineer and aims to please. Mention anything as a "nice to have" and she will make it a priority. Day or night, when she grabs on to something she doesn't let go until it is done. Her profesionalism, focus, and sheer will power are second to none. She is a fantastic part of the engineering team that brings the grit and grace that has come to define Fulcrum.
Pete Franco
Valerie is a fantastic engineer. She's never afraid to take on new challenges and thinks deeply about problems in order to provide concise, elegant solutions. She is always willing to give a helping hand even with little context or time to prepare.
Malfy Das
Damien Taylor
VP Finance
Damien senses when to give support and when to provide autonomy. He helps evaluate decisions by weighing the outcomes of each opportunity in ways others can't. His honesty, kindness, and willingness to listen and adapt are key to our operations team. .
Ashley Schwartz
Ask anyone at Fulcrum who I was the most excited about during the interview process and the answer will be Damien. Somehow he has lived up to my own hype and surpassed all possible expectations I had for working with him. Damien is level-headed, meticulous, and one of the most genuine people I have ever met. I can always count on him to answer any question I might have or talk through any situation I am struggling with. Working in the trenches together on any of the crazy projects we have undertaken has been a joy and I am looking forward to many more spreadsheet adventures together in the future!
Eve McClun
Eve has one of those personalities that sneaks up on you, and it's great. I've always admired the work she does, but when we got the opportunity to actually chat outside of a work-task setting it was so fun to get to know her more. I look forward to any chance I get to work with her because she brings a sense of calm, and hilarity, to the situation.
Betzi Nimeth
Eve is a one of a kind individual and engineer. She doesn't shy away from a challenge, instead taking it head on and learning all along the way. She strives for excellence, wanting to understand the right way to do the right thing. More, she does it with a great attitude and a great since of humor, always ready with an awesome pun.
Travis Higgs
Haley Giz Alvarez
Customer Success
I love working on Haley's tickets! When a issue comes from Haley, I know full due diligence has been done and all the facts are available up front - she thinks like an engineer. On the flipside, when I need institutional knowledge or something from a customer, or just chit-chat, coming to Haley has never been a dead-end. She's the embodiment of a perfect coworker.
Josh Kraker
Haley is an absolute rockstar. She has a deep understanding of her customer's needs/wants/frustrations and advocates for them on a daily basis. She is always available to help engineers come up with a solution that meets the customer's requirements and fits within the product's vision as a whole. She constantly thrives to make the product and customer experience better and more fluid.
Ryan Bakken
Stefanie Buxton
Head of People
Stef is the backbone to making sure Fulcrum's culture remains intact despite growth and change. She is focused, driven, determined, and ensures that the cats are always herded in the same direction, but simultaneously is kind, and a friend to all!
Kelsey Stimson
Stef is the definition of focus, poise, drive, dedication and empathy. She always makes herself available to listen and takes great care in providing a great experience for everyone working at fulcrum.
Valerie Huang
Mike Meck
Mike is a wizard. There is no other way to describe him. He picks out small details in conversations within our Launch team and comes up with solutions. I know he takes that attitude to each of the customers he works with. He is always quick with the memes or a joke. I have learned a lot from Mike and his ability to be comfortable challenging folks and voicing his opinion. I couldn't ask for a better teammate.
Richard Bero
Mike is a magical creature who can simulataneously solve very tricky problems while making everyone laugh. I've learned so much working alongside him and I'm always impressed by his ability to listen, remain calm and get an incredible amount of work done. Truly unsure how he does it. Mike is a force and an incredible teammate. The value he brings to Fulcrum as well as to our customers is unmatched.
Quinn Anderson
Taylor Soulis
I love working with Taylor. He’s open to new ideas and always appreciative of any collaboration. The best part about working with Taylor is his sense of humor when it feels like everything is going wrong. I’m always grateful for the levity he brings to the team and his dependability.
Taylor is fantastic to work with. He picks up whatever you hand him with a great attitude, quickly attains whatever skills or knowledge he needs and applies it to whatever he needs to tackle next. I'd pick him for anything that I needed help with in a heart beat.
Travis Higgs
Charlie Gondeck
That smile. That dang smile. Every time I get on a call with Charlie I know I'm going to see him with a massive smile on his face. It is a fantastic representation of who he is as a person. He is someone who is welcoming, positive, and curious. Those characteristics radiate through each interaction with the Fulcrum team and all of our customers. He reaches out to me to ask about every customer he has brought in the door to see how they are doing in the launch process, because at the end of the day Charlie cares.
Richard Bero
Charlie is an incredible teammate. I've been extremely impressed watching him be successful in a couple of different roles at Fulcrum. Charlie is a steady and consistent force on the sales team and has been instrumental in the success the company has seen. I've always appreciated his calm and friendly demeanor and his willingness to help out no matter how much he has on his plate. The dedication and care he puts into his craft is contagious and motivating for everyone around him.
Carter Roskam
Quinn Anderson
Customer Success
Quinn is a force to be reckoned with. She started on CS with zero past experience as a CSM, but if you watch her do her job now you'd have no idea that was the case. She has a hunger for efficiency and excellence that is such an asset to help propel CS and Fulcrum as a whole into the future.
Haley Giz Alvarez
I look to Quinn as a guage for how I should respond to certain circumstances. She always seems to have the full picture, and has the tact to recognize when buttons need to be pushed vs when they can be left alone. Sometimes I find myself to emotionally wrapped up in a situation, but one conversation with Quinn brings me back down to reality. She's textbook what we should look for in future CS hires
Katherine Gorey
Josh Kraker
Josh! Heck of a person. Constantly impressed with how calm Josh is, knowing how much he contributes in a single day alone. I couldn't imagine where we'd be without his thoughtfulness, reason and general oomph he brings to every situation.
Betzi Nimeth
I can't say enough good things about Josh! He is a massive contributor to both our culture and to the development of our product. Outside of being a strong lateral thinker, Josh brings great care, thoughtfulness and a dose of humor to every project we work on.
Emily Lupico
Matthew Killian
Machine Gun Matt. Pumpin out the PRs with the the speed of a gatling gun. A one-in-1000 engineer that can take a tweet-length instruction and turn around a new feature in half the time your were expecting. Fulcrum wouldn't be where it is without him.
Josh Kraker
Killian straight up gets stuff done. I'm always impressed with how quickly he can devise and execute solutions to complex problems. But if that weren't enough, his wry sense of humor makes him a pleasure to share a team with.
David Pinner
Travis Higgs
Travis has quickly become a very important member to the engineering team. He is always striving to improve the codebase, staying on top of the current best practices, and is our resident Angular expert. With that said, he is not dogmatic at all, instead being a pragmatist, threading that needle of form vs. function - a quality all the best engineers in the world have.
Ryan Bakken
Travis always leaves the codebase beter than when he started. Whether its refactoring and consolidating logic or adding new useful tools that other engineers can pick up and use later, he is always finding wins for cleaning up past tech debt as a side quest to his main work. He is a front-end expert, graphql enthusiast and has an extraordinary ability to apply new solutions or technologies to the problems he is solving. He is always down to pair and think about a problem with you and is a blast to work with.
Taylor Soulis
Josiah Bondy
Josiah is our video guru. He's got a keen eye for design and a strong attention to detail that takes our video production to the next level. Not only that, but he's a great teacher and always shares his knowledge with the rest of the team.
I would argue that Josiah has grown more in his nearly 2 years here than most people do in 10. He came to us with so much talent already, but immediately exceeded expectations by developing his skills, learning new ones, and putting out so much amazing work. He is crazy impressive and wildly valuable to our team and the company.
Anna Erickson
James Santiago
James is the most poised and steady person I've ever met. He's quietly confident, incredibly thorough, and is always open to thoughts and suggestions. Everyone at Fulcrum knows if you want the most honest answer James is the one to go to, and he never balks when I ask him to explain things to me like I'm 5.
Kelsey Stimson
In addition to being everybody's go-to guy for his kindness, his generosity with his time, and his deep technical knowledge, James is a consummate craftsman. I never fail to learn something from a conversation with James, or from his approach to challenging problems.
David Pinner
Carolyn Ring
Carolyn is the definition of a can-do attitude in human form, and there is no task to big or too small. She drives through adversity, whether that be ambiguous marketing initiatives, running an SDR team, or festing until she starts to lose her mind a little.
Kelsey Stimson
Carolyn is the type of person who elevates everyone around her. She never hesitates to help out in different areas and cares deeply about the work she does. She also continually makes a huge impact in the culture at Fulcrum and brings a sense of positivity, excitement, and ease to the team.
Carter Roskam
Betzi Nimeth
Her contribution to our team is immense. We all remember at least one of the 'Betzi questions' since her first day in the team. She is so incredible, smart, inspiring and full of energy and she shines that energy to everyone around. We all look up to her and wish we can provide the same level of warmnes and profesionalizm Betzi does. The unselfishnes and dedication that she offers to the team is appritiated by both customers and the coworkers.
Sasa Stojkovic
LOVE her energy. She's always so down to jump into projects and she always has a positive attitude when handling things she doesn't understand. She's also always willing to be an advocate for herself
Katherine Gorey
Carter Roskam
Carter is an extremely empathetic person that’s able to get right to the heart of the customer’s emotions on calls. That’s not an easy thing to do with a stranger and says a lot about how his personality just has a tendency to put others at ease. That’s an extremely valuable asset to the sales team.
Tyler Buxton
Carter has brought some great experience and knowledge to our team, and has showed a willingness to learn how our team works in order to use all the resources available to become the best version of himself an improve the team around him. I’m very glad to have a smart, caring, and helpful person like Carter on our team
TJ Moore
Tyler Buxton
Sales Director
Tyler continues to be instrumental in building out the sales team and our processes, and consistently carves out time to invest in helping team members improve. He's been extremely vital in helping me navigate the sales world and his blunt feedback reflects the high expectations he has for his team. He's steady in his approaches to challenges, he's honest when he isn't sure about something, and comfortable pushing when it's needed individually or as a team. More impressive is his dedication to get to know others and connect on a personal level.
Charlie Gondeck
I’ve loved learning about his unique experiences while helping the company grow from its early days into what we have now. He’s been a great teacher and mentor while allowing me to experiment with my own ideas and learn from the results along the way. Tyler has high expectations for us all and sets a great example of work ethic, accountability, and staying hungry.
TJ Moore
TJ Moore
TJ's dedication to company and personal success makes everyone on the sales team better. He's always willing to provide guidence and helps keep prospects and team members honest and educating on the how and what were doing and why it's important.
Dylan Kocken
TJ is always asking questions, listening to podcasts, networking, reading, and doing everything he can to learn and better himself. He’s got a small TV, but a huge drive and determination to improve that’s unparalleled and even pushes me to be better myself. He’s methodical in his questions, and isn’t afraid to push back when something doesn’t quite add up.
Tyler Buxton
Sunny Han
CEO & Founder
Sunny is a leader of vision, passion, and ambition. He inspires trust through thoughtful and persuasive argument while always embracing collaboration. I’m confident that fulcrum will succeed because Sunny is at the helm.
Liam McCartney
There are countless variables that influence the success of a company. Sunny has an uncanny ability to analyze and distill these to the team to provide clarity, offer inspiration, and promote camaraderie in a way that I've never seen at any other company.
Mike Meck
Sasa Stojkovic
Sasa is always willing to step in an help, and I've never given him a problem that he wasn't able to solve. He always works well with both customers and coworkers alike, and never bats an eye at my millions of change requests. He is humble, incredibly smart, and puts in the time and effort to ensure we all succeed.
Kelsey Stimson
Sasa is able to pick up any project that we throw at him, no matter how complex. An absolute machine at getting things done, and a nice guy with a great attitude on top of that.
Ryan Herbert
Ryan Herbert
Ryan is a rock. He’s one of the strongest developers I’ve had the opportunity to work with. He has deep knowledge of the subtleties and complexities of our data structure and an equally deep understanding of our product. Ryan’s the person I go to when I want a careful reading of a tricky PR or ticket. Every day our team relies on knowledge and expertise that Ryan brings.
Paul McGuirk
The most talented person I have ever had the pleasure to work with. He is intelligent, reliable, considerate, calming and always has a positive attitude. I am convinced there isn't anything he can't accomplish. If you want something done and done impressively well, Ryan is your guy.
Pete Franco
Ryan Bakken
Bakken is an incredible teammate and leader. He leads by example in his commitment to code quality and is generous with his time, always patiently taking the time to teach, explain, re-explain concepts and context.
Valerie Huang
Bakken knows the value of not taking shortcuts. He does things the right and rigorous way the first time. He keeps us honest with his tremendous effort and commitment to writing tests.
Liam McCartney
Robert Vanderhoef
Creative Director
Rob has been a really patient leader / teacher and is great at adapting to how I learn best. He really focuses on helping me grow my capabilities, so has given me opportunities to work on projects that play to my strengths as well as ones that push me outside my comfort zone. He’s fun to collaborate with and is great at receiving honest feedback as well as giving it in a way that’s respectful and constructive.
Anna Erickson
Rob's an extremely talented designer and artist. We're able to hand him basically anything and know it will rapidly come out looking great, even if he had to use frameworks he didn't know to get it done. His leadership has grown a lot to be able to direct others even with an abstract problem.
Jon Gregorowicz
Pete Franco
Working with Pete is the closest thing I've found to being able to Matrix style download knowledge to somebody else and have them take over. #1 Gadget team hype man. Legit rocket league skills.
Ryan Herbert
Pete is a Fulcrum icon. He works incredibly hard, is insanely intelligent, and has pushed out some seriously important features time and time again. I can't imagine our engineering team without him. He brings such a genuine and kind energy to projects and is consistently concerned with being a support to his teammates. He can't help but put a smile on someone's face daily.
Anna Erickson
Paul McGuirk
Engineering Director
Possibly the most intelligent developer I've ever worked with. Able to tackle extremely difficult problems and architects his code in a clean and maintainable manner. Also a very good team leader.
Ryan Bakken
Paul goes out of his way to provide thoughtful responses to questions from other teams. The quality of his responses displays not only his curiousity about the problem, intelligence, and willingness to help, but also offers information that helps the original asker with their resolution.
Mike Meck
Liam McCartney
Liam’s a star. His technical skill leads to development that is clean, thoughtful, and effective. His curiosity pushes us towards finding better solutions for our customers and ourselves. He exhibits empathy every day by mentoring newer (and less new) developers. Working with Liam is a joy and privilege.
Paul McGuirk
As a fellow technology hipster, Liam is constantly looking for bleeding edge yet solid solutions for problems we're facing, and thinking about paths to get there. He deeply researches topics to fully understand them which is invaluable to the rest of the team.
Jon Gregorowicz
Kelsey Stimson
"I always diescribe Kelsy as a ""we are going to succeed or die trying"" type of person. Defeat is not an option! She is a true leader, great team member and a fantastic friend. Her warm, strait to the point and friendly attitude is invaluable as many customers and coworkers can witness."
Sasa Stojkovic
Kelsey is amazing with all people, both customers and with her team leadership. She manages a crazy amount of customers and no matter what the day throws at her, always seems cool as a cucumber.
Annika Cederblad
Katherine Gorey
Katherine is one of the most geninely and intensely curious people I have ever met, and that trait is what makes her an incredible launch manager for her customers, but also an amazing friend and coworker. But don't be fooled by her intriguing questions and sweet demeanor - Katherine has grit and the desire to constantly grow and better herself every day. She's a priceless member of the Fulcrum family
Haley Giz Alvarez
So humble but not in a deprecating way, and also very straightforward. I think her disposition is very even regardless of what's going on and it's frankly comforting for me because it allows me to step back and put things in perspective
Annika Cederblad
Jon Gregorowicz
I admire so much of the way that Jon works. He seems always willing to help out a developer or launch team member with a problem that they’re facing. He helps me to come a better team lead by giving honest feedback and by pushing me to do the same. Jon is one of the best bosses I’ve ever had, and I feel lucky to have him.
Paul McGuirk
Jon truly cares about the well being of our people above all else. He’s done a ton to move us forward and lead us through a crazy amount of change. I appreciate so much how working together just feels..easy. He’s a real friend.
Alex Troesch
Jessica Chimerakis
I can't imagine Fulcrum without Jess. She is our forever champion and cheerleader. She is so thorough in all of her work, and yet so efficient that I don't know how she fits it all in! Her passion for Fulcrum has helped us dig deeper into how to be our best selves.
Ashley Schwartz
Jess has an infectious attitude of positivity and passion. Ever since I've been at Fulcrum she's been a steady encourager and extremely hard worker. Jess has been with Fulcrum from the very early stages and has remained a steady rock throughout all stages of Fulcrum's life cycle. Jess is truly a pivotal part of our team!
Hannah Jansen
Hannah Jansen
Hannah is an incredible teammate in every sense of the word. She's positive, hard-working, competitive and easy-going all-in-one. She's had a ton of success individually and coaching others, but is humble while doing so. Hannah is an irreplaceable member on the team.
Hannah has one of the best attitudes I’ve ever come across. I consider her the backbone of the sales team. She’s always upbeat with great, infectious energy, and doesn’t let a bad call bring her down - which isn’t easy in the sales world. Companies always seem to enjoy their conversations with her and she somehow becomes friends with all of them. It’s not always easy to talk to strangers, but Hannah makes it look like she’s been doing it her whole life.
Tyler Buxton
Dylan Kocken
One of the most coachable people I’ve ever met. He takes feedback very well and isn’t afraid to try new things even if it involves asking questions that can be uncomfortable. The sales team would have been under water in June if it weren’t for Dylan’s eagerness to learn and ability to execute.
Tyler Buxton
He prioritizes feedback and helping the team - always makes sure we are on the same page and I can tell he wants us all to grow and get better. From when I first got here to now he has always been very helpful when I needed training or advice on something
Hannah Jansen
Ashley Schwartz
Ashley is the best HR person I've ever worked with. Not only does she handle all the standard HR stuff, but she goes the extra mile and will handle anything she is able to so you can focus on your actual job instead of calling an HSA company or something
Ryan Bakken
I immensely appreciate everything Ashley does for this company. She holds it all together and is warm and kind. We’ve been through the trenches of tedium, and data cleaning, and checklists upon checklists upon checklists, together and always come out on the other side due to Ashley’s diligence.
Alex Troesch
Annika Cederblad
So humble but not in a deprecating way, and also very straightforward. I think her disposition is very even regardless of what's going on and it's frankly comforting for me because it allows me to step back and put things in perspective
Katherine Gorey
I love working with Annika sooooo much. Any tough or complex issue, she’s my go to brainstorm. She’s so talented and flexed into so many different things over the years, and we would not be anywhere near where we are today in launch without her. Heart Heart Heart.
Alex Troesch
Anna Erickson
Anna is exceptional! A true pleasure to work with on a daily basis. Not only because of her extensive talent and ability to make things beautiful but also for her caring and dependable nature. Whether we’re in the 100th iteration of a design, picking something up with a vague direction, or having an honest critique, I know that she will have insightful, hilarious, and honest input. She’s proved to be an invaluable contributor to our product, team and culture and I can't wait to see what’s next.
Robert Vanderhoef
I look forward to any chance I get to collaborate with Anna. Her sense of humor kills me, and I often find myself lol-ing at the design channel. She’s got the grit to push through iteration after iteration to something beautiful. I love working with Anna.
Alex Troesch
Alex Troesch
VP of Product
We wouldn’t be nearly as far in our mission without Alex. She’s an integral part of the team that’s been deeply ingrained from the beginning. She’s tenacious, humble and I don’t think there’s anything she can’t accomplish when she puts her mind to it.
Robert Vanderhoef
Alex is a true universalist, somehow doing at least three different jobs at once. She is thoughtful and always willing to help, and I frequently rely on her judgement and advice. I look forward to every time we get to work and hang out together in person.
Jon Gregorowicz

What Does The Manufacturing Landscape Look Like Today?

fulcrum What Does The Manufacturing Landscape Look Like Today?

What Other Companies Have Led This Kind of Digital Shift?

fulcrum What Other Companies Have Led This Kind of Digital Shift?

Where Does Fulcrum Fit in a Modern Manufacturing Stack?

fulcrum Where Does Fulcrum Fit in a Modern Manufacturing Stack?

How Big Is The Opportunity for Fulcrum?

Our core mission is to deliver a product that applies to all manufacturers. In the short term, we see our market such: discrete manufacturing, small and mid-market, with customers undergoing a generational change.

Very small businesses are simple enough not to need much automation. Very large businesses still demand heavy customization. As the network builds in strength, the power dynamic will shift, opening access to big companies.

We will one day serve a global market. Though each country has idiosyncrasies, manufacturers’ needs are similar everywhere.

Lurking below the logical market is an entire secondary market. By providing a best-in-class product that doesn’t need their services, their market is fundamentally part of ours as well.

fulcrum How Big Is The Opportunity for Fulcrum?

What Forces are Shaping Manufacturing’s Future?

fulcrum What Forces are Shaping Manufacturing’s Future?

What Makes Fulcrum Unique?

fulcrum What Makes Fulcrum Unique?